gender, sexuality, and attraction

Juvelic IDs

Juvelic IDs are sexualities that imply gender of both parties - this includes all of the gender loving gender identities. I like / prefer using them in groups because they convey a lot of information without a lot of text.

attracted to 🡆
🡇 gender is
male female male&fem nonbinary nb&male nb&fem all gend


romeric text
rochillic astroidian asterosian litian marblic
female julietian
sapphic saleitian asterian citrinian agatic taaffeitian
male&fem diamondian larimarian anfisian topazian alexandritic benitoitic serendibitian
nonbinary toric trixic scapolitian enbian carnelian brownitian jaspian
nb-male - - - - opalian - -
nb-fem - - - - - iridian -
all gend - - - - - - pearlian